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TBF Sales and Marketing GmbH
Maggistraße 5
78224 Singen

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Registration court: Amtsgericht Freiburg

Represented by:
Peter Dreide, Dirk Zabel, Nicole Thome


Phone: +49 40 / 308 533 5 – 0
Telefax: +49 40 / 308 533 5 – 0


Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 296953158

Supervisory authority

Industrie- und Handelskammer Hochrhein-Bodensee
Reichenaustr. 21 - 78467 Konstanz
Postfach 10 09 43 - 78409 Konstanz

Person responsible for editorial

Sven Wiede
Vertriebsdirektor, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung TBF Sales and Marketing GmbH
Maggistraße 5
78224 Singen
+49 40 / 308 533 50

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

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Startseite - Die Welt der Fonds: © top, Stock-Foto ID:1186117369
Das ist TBF - Unternehmen, Header: © duck, Stock-Foto ID: 2050918700
Das ist TBF - Unternehmen, Investmentprozess: © Rinchumrus, Stock-Foto ID:2474311727
Das ist TBF - Fondsmanager, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2336537087
Das ist TBF - Fondsmanager, Fondsübersicht: ©, Stock-Foto ID:1006988995
Das ist TBF - Investmentprozess, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2366766755
Das ist TBF - Investmentprozess, Unsere Basis: © duck, Stock-Foto ID:2229970365
Das ist TBF - Investmentprozess, Der Q-Faktor: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2318052411
Das ist TBF - Investmentprozess, Mehr über unsere Fondsmanager: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2336537087
Das ist TBF - Presse, Header: © duck, Stock-Foto ID:2017036088
Das ist TBF - Events, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2358080145
Das ist TBF - Events, FONDS PROFESSIONELL KONGRESS 2025: © Kastelic, Stock-Foto ID:2357810277
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Das ist TBF - Jobs, Hintergrund: © duck, Stock-Foto ID:2145676163
Fonds, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2332787119
Fonds - Kachel 1 (TBF SPECCIAL INCOME): ©, Stock-Fotografie ID: 509031122
Fonds - Kachel 2 (TBF SMART POWER): © Schier, Stock-Foto ID: 80479516
Fonds - Kachel 3 (TBF FIXED INCOME): © duplessis, Stock-Foto ID: 486988531
Fonds - Kachel 4 (TBF GLOBAL VALUE): © Grill, Stock-Foto ID: 30256717
Fonds - TBF BALANCED: ©, Stock-Foto ID: 240462412
Fonds - TBF GLOBAL INCOME: © 418, Stock-Foto ID: 35570476
Fonds - TBF SPECIAL INCOME: ©, Stock-Fotografie ID: 509031122
Fonds - TBF ATTILA GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY: ©, Stock-Foto ID: 48369331
Fonds - TBF EUROPEAN OPPORTUNITIES: ©, Stock-Foto ID: 179573879
Fonds - TBF GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY: © Alphan, Stock-Fotografie ID: 647444330
Fonds - TBF GLOBAL VALUE: © Grill, Stock-Foto ID: 30256717
Fonds - TBF SMART POWER: © Schier, Stock-Foto ID: 80479516
Fonds - TBF rockcap global equity: © Yan Song, Stock-Foto ID: 1831240879
Fonds - TBF JAPAN: ©, Stock-Fotografie ID: 893365942
Fonds - TBF FIXED INCOME: © duplessis, Stock-Foto ID: 486988531
Fonds - TBF HQL FONDS: © duplessis, Stock-Foto ID: 486988531
Fonds - TBF US CORPORATE BONDS: ©, Stock-Fotografie ID: 973542580
Fonds - Zu den Fondsmanagern: ©, Stock-Foto ID:1006988995
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Mediathek, Finden Sie mit uns Ihren richtigen Weg: © Le Moal, Stock-Foto ID:1554045305
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Podcast, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:1165010587
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Kontakt - Hier finden Sie unser Fondsmanagement: ©eigene Aufnahme, TBF
Impressum, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2475141943
Datenschutz, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID:2344094701
Rechtliche Hinweise, Header: ©, Stock-Foto ID: 2344094701
Newsletter, Header: © duck, Stock-Foto ID:1859748547
404 Seite: © Stastny, Stock-Foto ID:2098262515
  • TBF Sales and Marketing GmbH
    HEGAU-TOWER, Maggistr. 5
    78224 Singen
  • +49 40 / 308 533 50
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Annette Jäger

sustainable finance manager
The trained banker began her professional career as a private customer advisor at Dresdner Bank AG in Fulda.
She has 25 years of experience in supporting wealthy private clients in all aspects of asset investment and structuring. In addition to Dresdner Bank AG Deutschland, Dresdner Bank Luxembourg S.A. was also included. and asset management at Sparkasse Bodensee are among her many years of experience.
After successfully completing her studies in business law – sustainability and ethics, she specialized in the area of ​​sustainable finance.
Since the beginning of 2021, she has been responsible for ESG at TBF Global Asset Management GmbH as Sustainable Finance Manager.

Birgit Kluge

risk manager
Birgit Kluge has been part of the TBF team since May 2011. At the beginning she took responsibility for fund accounting, where she kept the order books and ensured securities settlement. She was also responsible for futures and foreign exchange trading.
In 2017 she successfully completed the DVFA program AIM - Applied Investment Management to become a certified portfolio advisor. She is currently working in risk management, where she responsibly manages monitoring and compliance with investment limits.

Dennis Hordorff

head of risk management
folgt ...

Thomas Pfeifle

fund manager
Thomas Pfeifle is a portfolio manager at TBF and is responsible for portfolio construction and monitoring, as well as the identification of global best ideas in the equity sector. His academic background includes a trilingual degree in international business administration at the HFU Business School, supplemented by a semester abroad at the Grande École Léonard de Vinci in Paris. He completed his Master of Science in Management at the University of Mannheim with a focus on finance and philosophy. During his master's degree in Mannheim, he gained valuable experience in portfolio management and trading as an intern and working student at TBF before joining the team as a portfolio manager in February 2025. With his global view of stocks, he contributes significantly to the strategic alignment and optimization of portfolios.

Michael Zanker

fund manager
Michael Zanker startete in der Finanzbranche mit einem dualen Studium an der DHBW Karlsruhe mit einem betriebswirtschaftlichen Studium, welches eine Spezialisierung auf Banken auszeichnet. Nach dem Bachelorabschluss spezialisierte er sich auf das Privatkundengeschäft bei der Volksbank Pforzheim, wobei die Wertpapierberatung prägend war.

In 2018, he began his Master of Science in International Finance, which he completed with honors for his academic achievements. Following this, he worked as a portfolio manager in asset management at Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw. He was responsible for the strategic and tactical asset allocation of three multi-asset funds and the management of foundation portfolios. The main focus of his work was global equity selection. In managing the multi-asset funds, he implemented fundamental valuation models for companies and quantitative methods for portfolio risk management within the investment process.

Since April 2023, Michael Zanker has been working as a portfolio manager at TBF Global Asset Management GmbH, complementing the equity team with a focus on financial, pharmaceutical, and consumer stocks.

Maximilian Dreide

fund manager
Maximilian Dreide developed a passion for IT early on during his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of Frankfurt. He was able to deepen his expertise through student trainee positions at a Frankfurt-based FinTech startup, the brokerage firm Jefferies, the automotive supplier Leoni, and TBF.

From 2020 to 2023, he gained further technical product and project management experience at Swisscom, Switzerland's largest IT service provider.

Since January 2023, Maximilian Dreide has rejoined the TBF team, contributing new ideas and expertise to the management of TBF GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY.

Daniel Dreher

fund manager
After completing his apprenticeship as a banker at Volksbank Baden-Baden Rastatt eG, he immediately began a trainee program to become a securities specialist in Volksbank's Private Banking division. After completing the trainee program in 2011, he was initially responsible for the bank's product portfolio as a securities specialist before becoming an advisor to wealthy private clients within the Private Banking division.

He began studying part-time in 2010, successfully completing his Bachelor of Arts in Finance and Management. In 2017, he completed his Master of Science in General Management. He counts his internship in Group Treasury at DZ BANK AG in New York as one of the most important and valuable experiences he had during his studies.

Since October 2017, he has been employed as portfolio manager at TBF Global Asset Management GmbH and is in charge of defensive mandates most importantly the segment of European special situations.

Sebastian Schütt

Head of trade
After his apprenticeship as a banker at Dresdner Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main, he studied international business administration. This was followed by positions as a sales trader/stock broker at well-known and internationally operating institutions, including Cantor Fitzgerald International, where he worked most recently as a partner.

From 2010 to 2013, he was in charge of setting up institutional stock trading in Frankfurt am Main for Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers, focusing on small and mid caps. Similar positions in other institutions then followed. Most recently, he was employed at BNY Mellon at the multi-asset trading desk.

TBF has benefited from his expertise since December 2017. He is primarily responsible for further developing portfolio management processes and TBF's trading standards.

Patrick Vogel

Senior fund manager
Patrick Vogel began his career at Deutsche Bank/DWS. There he worked as a portfolio manager in the equities, multi-asset and fixed income sectors. He then worked at MainFirst for more than ten years. Patrick Vogel was part of the Global Equities / Multi Asset team for a long time and was appointed to the Management Board as Head of Portfolio Management in 2021. He was responsible for the implementation of sustainability approaches. He completed his Master's degree at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and is also a Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance.

Patrick Vogel joined TBF in January 2023 as Head of Strategic Asset Management and Senior Portfolio Manager.

Roman Kostal

Senior fund manager
Roman Kostal has over 25 years of experience in managing global fixed income funds and mandates. Previously, he was responsible for the management of global fixed income funds and mandates with an active currency approach at MainFirst, Eaton Vance and Oechsle International, primarily for institutional clients. Roman holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and a degree in business administration from the University of Regensburg. He is also a certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA).

Roman Kostal joined TBF as Senior Fund Manager in December 2022.

Roman Kostal

Senior fund manager
The graduate in economics and business administration began his investment career in 1987 at Bankers Trust, followed by positions at JP Morgan and Dresdner Kleinwort. At Ethenea Independent Investors, he was CIO and lead manager for global bonds in developed nations for eleven years. He played a key role in the company's success and was able to deliver decisive added value for all bond portfolios with his approaches.

He has been part of the TBF team since August 2019. As Senior Portfolio Manager and CEO, he is responsible for all of TBF's bond investments together with his colleague Roman Kostal.

Peter Dreide

CIO and founder
Peter Dreide was characterized at an early stage by his determination and sense of responsibility. So it was only natural that the later founder and CIO of TBF Global Asset Management GmbH moved to Canada to take on new challenges in 1992. He started his career as an investment consultant at Deutsche Bank AG. In Canada, he worked for McLean McCarthy in the institutional brokerage sector and headed the International Sales department for German clients.

This was followed by senior positions at Barclays de Zoete Wedd, Deutsche Morgan Grenfell in London and Head of Domestic and International Sales at Deutsche Bank Securities in Canada.

He moved back to Germany with his wife and three children and founded his own company, TBF Global Asset Management GmbH, in 2000. Since then he acts as Chief Investment Officer.